The Institute for Alternative Medicine-Cancer Research

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We are the Finest
Quality Christian Education:
Alternative Medicine

Elder James White
Co-author of Health and Bible Hygiene 1890
Paced Home study Courses

Since 1987 The Institute for Alternative Medicine-Cancer Research Studies

The Institute of Alternative Medicine for Cancer Research (IAMCR) has its' very humble beginnings back in 1997 when Dr. Carol J. Donovan with a few faithful Christian workers started a simple home based correspondence school providing helpful Alternative Medicine studies.

Throughout the years IAMCR has metamorphsized into Christian orientated and well sought after distance learning school for medical missionies searching for naturopathic style of studies. Presently, the quality of the home study courses based upon years of experience have been upgraded with personal experience and wisdom of Dr. Donovan to provide excellance in education with a clear Christian orientation.

As an alternative education service, and by design, any accreditation by the state is entirely at the discretion of the state powers or the more favorable individual institutions. So, the Institute for Alternative Medicine is truly an independant Chistian orientated college that medical missionaries called into medical missionary work necessitates and therefore is without a claim for state accreditation.

Since 1997, the Institute for Alternative Medicine or "IAMPR" has improved all programs and yet still provides the same humble services as at it's beginnings. It now, provides more formal quality distance learning courses that include complete Alternative Medicine programs and professional oreintated mentorship services and diplomas. The diploma programs include:

*N.D. Doctor of Naturopathy (True Naturopathy)
*M.H.M. Master of Herbal Medicine equivalent
*Nutritional Consultant Certification
* Medical Missionary Worker/equivalent to: B.S.AltMed. Bachelor of Science, Alternative Medicine.
* Advanced Field Research: Hygienic Integrated Medicine.

Ellen G. White
Ellen G. White had her first Health Reform Vision in the Summer of 1863

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