The Institute for Alternative Medicine-Cancer Research

Alternative Medicine

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If you are called into medical missionary work-or if you feel that you should be preparing for medical missionary work-or if You have medical missionary work to do right there where you are-then, Please email us as we can provide distancelearning course for you!

For some of the best books for supplementing your Christian studies:

For a free brochure, please eMail and indicate which program you have an interested in. They are:

* N.D. (Naturopathic Doctor) Program
This is "True Naturopathy" as Alternative Medicine. Sometimes referred to as Traditional Medicine or Traditional Naturopathy
* M.H.M. Master of Herbal Medicine (& Remedial Sciences) equivalency Program
Here are simple herbal remedies that are easy to do and practical. Also, here is a Program that also includes rational remedies.
* Nutritional Consultant Certificate Program
Nutritional Health, Nutritional Herbs, etC.
* Medical Missionary Worker Certificate: equivalent to B.S. AltMed (Bachelor of Science-Alternative Medicine) Program This Program is a must for those who have been called into the field as medical missionary workers.

Please include in your eMail, name, mailing address, and phone #, and indicate "Brochure."

May the Good Lord Bless,

The Staff

M.E.E.T. Ministries

LIGHT - Lay Institute for Global Health Training

Better Business Bureau

Gilead Institute of America

Teach Services for Books

Whether you are a medical professional, a health caregiver, or maybe a serious student of wellness, we have a program for advancing your career, improving your position, and increasing your personal knowledge of alternative medicine for the cause of health and wellness.

Sub-clinical Defects Markers
This is a list of the Sub-clinical Defect Markers used by few Traditional Naturopaths

Some believe that “Alternative medicine” refers to use of CAM in place of conventional medicine. This is way too broad of a definition. "Alternative" has more meanings than what some may believe. We realize this and prefer the more clinically conservative of all.

InstAltMed * Mountain View * AR * USA

Free "Loma Linda Messages" eBook

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